Live Online Class plus additional video lectures
Sundays at 7 PM CST 8/29 through 12/19
Mondays at 7 PM CST 8/30 through 12/20
Cost: $750 (new student) / $600 (returning student)
Macro-Markets is a course designed to teach you about the economy and the markets. The goal is to help you to become conversant about what’s going on in the stock market and bond market as well as monetary policy and fiscal policy. The class has two parts:
10 live classes (on Zoom) -- ~60 – 75 minutes per class – the class will be offered on Sunday night and Monday night (you select which section you attend; the class is identical on both days). Class starts at 7 PM CST. If you ever need to switch from one night to the other, we can arrange this.
12.5 hours of videotaped informational lectures (50 lectures). You can see a list of the videotaped classes here. You can watch these tapes at any time you want during the four months.
In addition, you will be sent (via email) a packet of material that will deliver similar material to the taped lectures. This way, if you prefer reading (rather than videotapes), you can learn the background material this way.
The ten live classes will be conducted online. This means that we will be live on Zoom (not on tape). It will be an actual class (without tests!) and you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions if things aren’t clear to you. The course is intended to make difficult subject matter accessible and non-intimidating. You will be provided a slide deck for each class and we will frequently be discussing the stock market, the bond market, the economy, Fed policy, and fiscal policy. Just like a normal class, all participants will need to have their cameras on during class. If you miss class, a tape of the lecture will be posted (usually within 24 hours.
1. This class is intended to be educational. Nothing should be construed as investment advice.
2. It is always possible that one of the live classes will have to be offered as a taped lecture (rather than live). While this has never happened in the past, it is always possible that I could be sick or an emergency could arise.
If you have questions, email