Student Resume Book
This resume book contains the resumes of students that I taught in this past year who are currently looking for internships or full-time jobs. I hope that you’ll look through it and see if there’s someone that you can help. Obviously, job leads would be great. But, it doesn’t have to be that you have a job for them. Maybe there’s someone else you can introduce them to. Maybe there’s a project that you can give them to keep them active. Or maybe you just reach out to them and make a new connection that will lead to something in the future.
One of the many unfortunate effects of the pandemic has been that students have had fewer opportunities to network. Obviously, this makes it difficult to find a job or internship. They’re coming out of top-ranked programs at The University of Texas, but it’s a tough time. If you can take the time to look through this and imagine how you could help one person, it could make a huge difference in their life.
This book is divided into the following sections:
1. Undergraduates (mostly finance majors) looking for a summer internship (p. 2)
2. Undergraduates (finance) graduating in May 2021 and looking for a full-time job (p. 22)
3. Graduate students in Marketing (MSM) looking for a summer internship (May 2021graduates) (p. 49)
4. Graduate students in Marketing (MSM) looking for a full-time job (p. 55)